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Diaper Bank of NC, Lower Cape Fear
Diaper Bank Near You in
1311 E. Club Blvd , Wilmington, Delaware 27704, USA
Our Vision
Every family in North Carolina will have access to basic necessities to support their dignity, health, and quality of life.
Our Mission
The mission of Diaper Bank of North Carolina is to promote and protect the dignity of each resident by:
– ensuring that families with babies and children living with poverty have an adequate supply of diapers
– improving access to personal hygiene products and other basic necessities to remove barriers to education, employment, or personal fulfillment
– distributing basic needs through community partners in order to encourage access to their services and programs, thereby empowering people to become self-sustaining and develop their full potential.
– enhancing community understanding that access to basic personal hygiene is integral to physical and mental health, education, employability, and quality of life and to raise awareness that these needs are not being met for families living with poverty;
– advocating for policy reform so that diapers and period products are included in the definition of and provision for the basic human needs of families; and
– creating a diaper bank model that can be shared, replicated, and adopted by all counties in North Carolina.